
Store 1000 Songs in the 2GB Memory Card

Everyone wants to store more data in the memory card. There are many software using which you can store more songs in your memory card. A MP3 song has 5 or 7 MB data, it mean we can store 200 or 250 songs in the 2 GB memory card but, if we change the size of song 5 or 7 MB to about 1 MB then we can store 900 to 1000 songs in the memory card. To do this you need a converter to change the size of MP3 file.

Step 1. Download MP3 Quality Converter software.

If you have any problem to download the software then tell us via comment.

Step 2. Open software.

Step 3. Click on Add files and select your song.

Step 4. Select the rate you like, rate 50 is good. If you want an output folder for your converted song, you can select Create "output" Folder.

Step 5. Click on Process and wait, it will change the size of your song.

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